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Healthy Aging Tips from Sit and Be Fit's Mary Ann Wilson RN

Strengthening Tips

By Mary Ann Wilson, RN

Triceps strengthening exercises done regularly will help tone flabby arms.

Begin by sitting toward the front edge of the chair

with feet firmly planted on the ground.

As with any exercise, take a moment to get into good postural

alignment before beginning.


Resistance Band Triceps Strengthening Exercise

Starting Position:

Secure and stabilize the resistance band on the right thigh with the left hand.

Slide the right elbow back along the rib cage as if you are jabbing someone directly behind you.

Hold the elbow in that position throughout the triceps strengthening exercise.


  1. Slowly extend and bend the right arm keeping the elbow stationary. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Change arms and repeat the triceps strengthening exercise on the other side.


Starting position for a great triceps strengthening exercise.
Sit and Be Fit TV host, Mary Ann Wilson RN, demonstrates the starting position for a triceps strengthening exercise using the band.
A great triceps strengthening exercise.
Sit and Be Fit TV host, Mary Ann Wilson RN, demonstrates a triceps strengthening exercise using the band.













Exercise Precautions:

If you have uncontrolled blood pressure or blood pressure over 140/90 you should not perform high level resistance work. Light resistance work may be performed if approved by your doctor. Exercises with the resistance band may be inappropriate for those with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or other disorders of the arms or hands, depending on the stage and severity of the condition. Remember, listen to your body!  If anything hurts, modify the triceps strengthening exercise within your comfort range or discontinue it.

Related Blogs:

Triceps Exercises

Sit and Be Fit Arm Exercises

Recommended DVDs:

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