Here’s a great idea that’s easy to implement. Keep an exercise resistance band next to your favorite chair and use it during those down times when you’re sitting sedentary (like when you’re watching television or listening to the radio). This is a perfect opportunity to work on strengthening the muscles of your upper back . Use the seated row exercise regularly, increasing the band resistance as tolerated.
Seated Row Exercise
Starting Position: Sit with feet firmly planted on the ground. Hold an end of the exercise band in each hand. Lower the middle section of the band to the floor. The band should be flat, not twisted. Step on the band with both feet. Sit up tall. Start with the arms straight, hands near the outside of the lower thighs.
Begin: Pull hands back toward the waist, tightening muscles between the shoulder blades. Be sure to keep your wrists straight and in alignment with your forearm. Relax and repeat. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise.
Note: Adjust the exercise band to a tension level the provides enough resistance by changing where your hands grip the ends of the band.

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