“I have been participating in the Sit and Be Fit program most weekdays for over a year. Not only has the program suited my exercise needs, I have found it to be fun, encouraging and motivation. I greatly enjoy Mary Ann and Gretchen with their contagious, up beat and positive energy. As well, the music adds a special touch. I can’t applaud this program enough and within the availability of my own home.”
Patricia W. Grants pass, OR
“I just wanted you to know how much I love your show. I only started watching it about a month ago and I feel better. I stand up straight and I started to walk at least 3 times a week. I was a real couch potato and now I wanted to do things where before everything was a chore. I also sleep better and my mood is better. Things don’t irritate me as easily as before. I love it when you exercise to music. That really is great and makes it more fun. I hope your show stays on the air for a long time.”
Peggy E. Alameda, CA
“To begin my day with Sit and Be Fit seems to stimulate both my body and mind. And the closing of the show by Mary Ann gives an added incentive to encourage us to enjoy the pleasures and beauty around us.”
Helen K.
“Thank you for being there to help me cope with the stresses of the day, to help me relax, feel healthy again, and be fit at the same time!!! You’re wonderful. I hope this show stays on the air forever!!!”
Linda T. Melbourne, FL
“I have watched “Sit and Be Fit” faithfully at 6:30 am Monday through Friday in the past two years. You have given me the inspiration to start a new career (at sixty years of age) which I am finding to be so rewarding and fulfilling. I am teaching five classes a week at two convalescent hospitals. Thanks to you, I have learned new movements and routines which I am incorporating in my classes- your enthusiasm is contagious! Hopefully I may meet you in person some day. In the meantime I will “reach out” and have a good day with my students!”
Elena K. Las Celtas Hills, CA
“The very best exercise on TV!! I am 80 years young and feel so much more alive since discovering your program! The instructor, Mary Ann Wilson, is so gracious and it is very easy to follow her.”
Mrs. Carolyn Paver Highland, CA
“Thank you so much for having “Sit & Be Fit” on weekdays at 6:00am. I only wish it were on Saturdays too. (Boy, am I stiff & sore by Mondays! I thought I was losing the use of my hands till I started doing this “class” only 4 weeks ago. I’m better all over now — even mentally. I can’t afford a whole membership like when I had money years ago but am contributing $5.00 enclosed. Please don’t send any literature because (I) want to support good programs instead of mailings. May the Lord bless everyone of you–as well as Mary Ann Wilson, RN and the “Sit & Be Fit” staff.”
Ms Simone A. Simon Scots Vly, CA
“Mary Ann, I have had my share of physical therapy and I recognize and appreciate your work and that of your PT team. I also appreciate GREATLY when you explain which muscles are being stretched, relaxed and strengthened and why. You are educating! I also love your last moments for relaxing the total body, mind, spirit.”
Karin Koal Elma, WA
“I play golf three times a week and since I joined my wife at 6:30 am for your program my golf game has improved which has helped my attitude and my over all analysis of the world situation.”
Isaac D. Concord, CA